Help! I don’t see my popup on my store…
Shopify email automation
What's the difference between Every Page Load and Every New Session
How to export Pop Convert subscribers to a CSV file
Will the popup reappear after the customer has subscribed?
Is it possible to sync the emails collected by Pop Convert with an email marketing app like Klaviyo?
How to open a popup through an existing button on your Shopify store
How to add social media accounts to your popup
How to auto-add products to cart on button click
Where does the info get sent when someone enters email and phone
After a customer has filled out the popup, is there a way to prevent them from seeing the popup again?
How to enable a popup or smart bar
Email new subscribers (Klaviyo automation)
How to receive email notifications for every new Pop Convert subscriber
How to create a coupon discount popup
How to switch Pop Convert app to another language
How to display popups on specific localizations in multilingual websites
Where do I see my subscribers
What if the subscriber already exists in my account?
Will the subscribers collected by Pop Convert be added to my Shopify account?
Recommended image size dimensions
What are the image formats supported for popups and smart bars?
Will uninstalling the app remove all the code?