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Email new subscribers (Klaviyo automation)

How to send emails to Pop Convert subscribers using Klaviyo

Create a Segment for Pop Convert subscribers:

a. Go to your Klaviyo account and navigate to Audience > Lists & Segments
b. Click on "Create List/Segment" and choose "Segment"
c. Define the segment with the following criteria:
Condition: Properties about someone
Custom Properties: Shopify Tags - contains - "Pop Convert" or "Pop Convert [name of the campaign]" if you want it to be specific.

Create a Segment for Pop Convert subscribers

For a visual guide, you can refer to this link:

Set up a Flow in Klaviyo triggered by the Segment:

a. Go to Flows in your Klaviyo account.
b. Click on "Create Flow" and choose "Create from scratch"
c. Give your flow a name and click "Create Flow"
d. Select "Segment" as the trigger for your flow
e. Choose the Pop Convert segment you created as the trigger and click "Done"
e. Add a time delay after the trigger to determine when the email should be sent
f. Configure the email content and design according to your preferences, and set the flow to "Live"
g. Once you have completed the flow setup and email configuration, click "Review and Turn On" to activate it

Set up a Flow in Klaviyo triggered by the Segment
For a detailed walkthrough, you can refer to this link:

Updated on: 15/06/2023

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